El Reconocimiento, validación y acreditación (RVA) del aprendizaje no formal e informal es uno de los pilares de cualquier política de aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. En consecuencia, muchos países han desarrollado un sistema nacional de RVA. El UIL considera de suma importancia utilizar el RVA para la integración de los resultados del aprendizaje no formal e informal en los marcos de cualificaciones nacionales, regionales y mundiales. La integración en los marcos de cualificaciones (MC) ayudará a garantizar el acceso de los participantes a las instituciones educativas y a los lugares de trabajo.

Skillsets in Transit: Recognizing prior learning for migrants and refugees

This online course, Skillsets in transit: recognizing prior learning for migrants and refugees, is the third component of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning’s (UIL) research project on RVA for migrants and refugees, which also includes a literature review and thematic research report. The project aims to support countries in developing RVA policies, mechanisms and operating systems that identify the skills, competences and qualifications members of such groups possess, to enhance their employment and education prospects as well as their active engagement in society.

Hosted on UIL’s Learning Hub, this online course aims to help learners build competences that support the development and implementation of RVA policies and practices that are inclusive of all groups, including migrants and refugees. It is important to note that the learning outcomes of the course are relevant to developing RVA systems and processes that are accessible to both marginalized communities and the wider population. To illustrate how this may be achieved in a practical sense and in consideration of increased international mobility, the course does, however, have a focus on migrants and refugees.